ATTENTION: Business Owners, Entrepreneurs & Sales Professionals!
Live Presentations | Networking Opportunities | Virtual Exhibitor Booths
Live Presentations | Networking Opportunities | Virtual Exhibitor Booths
The Small Business Virtual Extravaganza gets as close to providing the atmosphere of a live event as you can get! If you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, sales professional or looking to start a business, this is the place to be! The event will be LIVE for 2 days, pop in and out as you like as you get access to live presentations for FREE for 24 hours!!
“A VIRTUAL Event Unlike Any Other… Get Step-By-Step Training Focused On Income Generating Activities To Turn You Into The Ultimate Business Owner or Sales Professional Attracting A Flood Of New Customers & Clients.
This Is NOT A Feel Good, Rah-Rah Session But A Jam-Packed Day Where You’ll Leave With ACTIONABLE ITEMS — GUARANTEED!”
Visit the Expo Booths
Interact with exhibitors in numerous industries. Business to Business, Consumers, Shopping & more! Enjoy "Special Expo Offers" and Door Prizes from many of the exhibitors. Interact with exhibitors during the event in live chat or pop into the booths anytime and check out the offers!
Networking Galore
Meet attendees in the 24 hour Networking Lounge. Try the One to One Matching event or just sit and mingle with attendees in the Networking Free Flow Event, just like as if you were at an in-person event! This is one of the most exciting perks of attending the event! You just never know who you might meet that will change your life forever!
Speaker Presentations
Check out the diverse training and presentations. Speakers will be addressing topics pertinent to sales professionals, small business owners & entrepreneurs. All presentations will be available for replay all day long or attend them live and chat with speakers. Most speakers will have a special offer at the end of their session.
Forbes Riley
Friday Keynote Speaker
Topic: Permission to $ucceed!
Blaney Teal
The Passionpreneur Coach
Topic: 10 Tools Implement your Business Needs to Save you Time and Money!
Robyn Hatcher
Saturday Keynote Speaker.
Topic: Own Your Business Brilliance
Franklin Spicer
Pegasus Online
Topic: How to Communicate to Your Customers So They Will Listen
Lady Tracey DoubleOHHSeven™ Legacy PR
Topic: "Out With The Old, TREND INTO YOUR NEW personal, professional, and public relational world of communications
Nathan Marco
Topic: Empowered Persuasion
Pam Hargis
The FocalPoint Business & Executive Coaching
Topic: Eat That Frog! Stop Procrastinating and Get More SHTUF Done!
Mike Roberts
Making Digital Real
Topic: 100 LinkedIn Tips, Tricks & Algorithm Hacks in Under 60 Minutes!
Wendy Caverly
Crusaders Networking
Topic: 3 times effective follow-up will build your professional success.
Charlie Goldsmith
Achieve Sales Results
Topic: 3 Keys to Achieving Breakthrough Results
Philippa Channer
Channer Consulting
Topic: Four Steps to Building Your Content Strategy
Steve Gaston
The Masterclass Sessions
Topic: Quick, Easy, Effective Goal Setting that everyone can Action...TODAY!!
Tammy Bragg
Tammy Bragg Consulting
Topic: How to Improve the Revenue, Profit, and Cash Flow in Your Business
Laureen Shefchik
Heartflow Energy
Topic: Getting Unstuck! Releasing overwhelm in your business.
Kim Boudreau Smith
Her Bold Voice
Topic: Activate Your Authentic Voice to Close More Sales Conversations. Sell Your Worth!
Jairo Borja
Borja Consulting Group LLC
Topic: Transforming Your Way to Success in Prospecting
Jillian Zambon
Jill Zambon Marketing & Consulting
Topic: Don't start a business until you do these 5 things!
Tami Jaffe
Tami Jaffe Coaching
Topic: Speedup Your Startup
Chris Baden
Topic: How to prospect easily and effortlessly on LI, FB, and Insta
Cynthia Blackwell
Cynthia Blackwell Consulting
Topic: The Magical Power of 3
Dionne Joi
Joi Luck Club
Topic: Change your mindset. Change your life.
Matt Dillingham
A1 Solutions Group
Topic: The Game of Credit
Cathy Strong
Strong Healthy Living
Topic: The Art of Work Life Balance
Sneak Peak at Extravaganza Platform
About the HoST
Making Business Connections (MBX), founded May 1, 2017, formally Maryland Business Connection, a premier state-wide networking organization, and is currently expanding globally. MBX is a non-exclusive organization, hosting networking lunches and happy hours in a fun, informative business setting serving Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners and Sales Professionals. MBX also hosts in-person Mega Networking Expos and Business Summits. Now MBX offers unique virtual networking events every month including Speed Networking, Mingles, Training and Expos! Thus, MBX is a premier hybrid networking organization.
The Founder of MBX, Blaney Teal is a proud mother of two and a successful, modern-day “Mompreneur” from Baltimore, MD. She has impacted the lives of countless entrepreneurs and business owners with her vibrant, energetic, and magnetic personality. With over 25 years in the entrepreneurial space, Blaney loves sharing her business tips and experiences with everyone she meets. As the founder of Wee-cycle Mart, a Kids' Consignment Sale, Blaney learned how to organize, promote and create successful events. In her lifetime, Blaney has hosted hundreds of events and participated in just as many as an exhibitor. Thus, she strives to host events keeping both attendees AND exhibitors in mind.
Blaney is also known as the The Passionpreneur Coach and has hosted successfull on-line summits and has been interviewed on multiple virtual international summits and podcasts. She also is the Founder of the Next for Success Accelerator Academy, helping business owners implement strategies and systems to shorten the learning curve and save them both time and money. She is a contributor to the Amazon Best Seller book: "1 Habit for Entrepreneurs" which is in the Guiness Book of World Records for the LARGEST book on Entrepreneurship! And she is about to launch her own book "The Lunch Date: Why skipping lunch is hazardous to your wealth" as well as her own podcast titled: Bite-Sized Business Tips with Blaney Teal.
You can connect with Blaney on Linkedin. And get a copy of the 1 Habit for Entrepreneurs book here.
Copyright MBX EVENTS @2022