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Thank You For Signing Up!

Be sure to SAVE the DATE: April 19-20, 2024

Here are your NEXT Steps...

#1: Check your Inbox

Please check SPAM folder. You need confirm your registration your regisration from AIRMEET.

We will also be sending you emails from us to keep you in the loop!

Please share the event on your social media. This is going to be an epic event!

If you don't see a link from Airmeet (CHECK SPAM)  then email us at: [email protected]

 #2:  Join the Private Social Group

Come Meet the Attendees!

Come introduce yourself. Plus, we will be having some fun contest and updates in our PRIVATE EVENT GROUP

A FREE MEMBERSHIP is required to access this group!


#3 Get your FREE Knocard

We will be using a new software to make and continue connections at this event.

Get your Knocard here - FREE for 60 days - no credit csrd required!. Be sure to choose MBX as the organization you are associated with to get special perks.

Get yours now!

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